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Rehab after Covid: How BOSS PhysicalTherapy can Help.


Many patients have spent days, weeks or even months in the hospital fighting the Covid-19 virus. The longer they stay the longer the road to recovery. Our team of clerks, case managers, respiratory therapist, physicians nurses, speech, occupational and physical therapist work tirelessly coordinating the best care they can offer.

Some days I arrive and find a patient has improved over the weekend and I am overjoyed. Other days I arrive and find out a patient has not made it through the weekend and I am grieved. As a physical therapist in a facility with a full census I don't have long to grieve, but you do carry every loss with you to help you work even harder and wiser to help the next patient.

Because of my time with covid-19 patients I know without a doubt that rehab post-covid is essential to helping patients get back to their best self. The road will not be easy and physical therapist with compassion and a unique set of skills will be needed to help this group of patients along with their family members to regain their strength. These patient's understandably want to go home as soon as possible, they don't want to go to another facility.

When I am in the hospital I work hard to make that my goal for the patients I treat. Their goal is my goal, outside of medical instability keeping them from returning home, family members should be given the tools to help their loved ones to get back to their best self physically at home. BOSS Physical Therapy is able to provide family members with tools to help their family member regain their strength for a low introductory price of $199/month( literally $6.30 per day for one month). Please contact us to learn more about the virtual exercise program with my oversight virtually and see how we can help you help your loved ones keep winning in their battle to overcome their post Covid-19 loss of strength. BOSS Physical Therapy is where your Health and Wellness Begins.


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